Monday, August 25, 2008

Sea Chanties

I'm promoting the fine genre of sea chanties lately. Simple and fun to sing. When we start one at a gig, people perk up and pay attention.

The late great Ewan MacColl is a terrific source for them. As are the Clancy Brothers and the Black Family. By the way, have you heard Voice Squad? They are really great.

I was lucky enough to see Ewan live in St. Louis before he passed. Back in the early 80s.

Heave away, haul away!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Other Options

Check out my band's website at

We do string band music and whatever else we think of. We've been a band about 15 years.

My former blog site is

A visit there will tell a lot about me. Hopefully I can post some blogs here as time permits.


New in Town

This is my first post here. I hope I can stay here and that it's user friendly.  I came in because I met Danny at the Woody Guthrie festival in OK, and I wanted to check out his blogging. Thanks, Danny, for the great conversation with our morning coffee.
Just a bit about getting radical. I just hope I can encourage people to turn it up a notch. Things will change anyway. But if you want to see the changes we really need to continue existing on this planet, we'll have to turn up the heat. Speak truth to power, and then do something!

Wayne (glaber)